Get the data
You can use the My Data button on your profile to download a summary of your contributions. There is a simple open API for accessing data from this site in machine-readable form over the Web.
Download data on the featured or past (replace current by id) events
- /hackathon.json (JSON Schema)
- /api/event/current/info.json (JSON basic info)
- /api/event/current/datapackage.json (Frictionless Data Package)
- /api/event/current/ (Full data when authenticated)
Retrieve project data from the current (or id) event
- /api/event/current/projects (JSON)
- /api/event/current/projects (CSV)
Search the projects, recent activity, and posts (use q=... for query, set limit=10)
- /api/project/search.json (JSON)
- /api/project/activity.json (JSON)
- /api/project/posts.json (JSON)